Friday, June 29, 2012

open letter to the greens, libertarians, and young people who voted for obama

I’m with you. Our federal government is mostly a puppet show orchestrated by wealthy oligarchs in the top one percent of the One Percent. Barack Obama isn’t the progressive ass kicker a lot of very hopeful people thought he was in 2008. Afghanistan. Guantanamo. Kill Lists. The sad compromise of a health bill . . . Yeah, I’m with you.
But if Romneybot 2012 is sworn in next January, Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy, both Ronald Reagan appointees in their seventies, are likely to retire. Scalia will probably throw off his robes and run from the stage howling “See ya, suckers!” as soon Chief Justice John Roberts finishes administering the oath.
Two Bill Clinton appointees also in their seventies, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer are also likely candidates to leave the bench, especially if Romney wins a second term. Romney could have as many as four appointees to the Supreme Court. Think about it. 
Assuming they don’t simply create nominees for Romney in an underground lab using DNA from Scalia, Thomas, and Roberts, any judges nominated will be severely vetted by the oligarchs. They will not allow another Sandra Day O’Connor or Anthony Kennedy to sneak past them.
A Romney win in November likely means a solid 5-4 majority of oligarch-friendly Justices. A second term means a possible 7-2 majority. The worst elements of the Democratic Party will choke out whatever progressivism remains there, while the Supreme Court ensures that third party ambitions (left and right) dry up faster than a keg on the Fourth of July.  Democracy would not recover in our lifetimes.
Obama won’t remove the grip the oligarchs have on our government if reelected.  He probably won’t even loosen it.  But Romney will tighten it if elected. I have no doubt about that.


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