Friday, December 08, 2006


I'm sitting in a coffee shop in the shadow of the monorail while hooked up to the internet on a laptop (thanks be to John) and staring at the Space Needle.

Ten years ago me would punch present day me in the nuts.

now what?

November brought anxiety, unease, and indigestion. I was still unemployed, running out of money and discouraged. Evil Cat did what she could to unclench my jaw, but she was outmatched by cynicism and imagination. Seattle was gonna beat me, and I knew it.

At dinner one evening, while discussing the miseries and indignities of job hunting, ms. anatomist remarked "I wish someone cool would come work at my job! I think they're hiring soon."

"What a coincidence! I'm looking for a job!"

"Oh, yeah! You should apply!"

"Good idea!"

So...I started on Wednesday. It's a good job, and a good opportunity, but I'm making a wee bit less than I did in Minneapolis. My only consolations are good experience, good benefits, and having a desk near the anatomist. And walking to work in the morning, I guess.

But then...I got a call today from a potential employer I had given up on. An employer who will pay me twice what I was making in Minneapolis. I interview on Monday morning. I just have to figure out how to get out of work on only my fourth day of employment. Maybe one of my cats will be sick. . .

Anyway, much thanks to everyone who made this move less painful than it could have been: The Kaiser and John, the anatomist and her boy, Corneilius and the Berzerker...and of course, The Evil Cat of Hell. It's hard to be homesick when you feel at home.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I went to the marina in Ballard with Evil Cat, her Godfather, and the one they call Snowball. We looked at boats and took some photos. Afterward, we stopped at the Jolly Roger for lunch and beer. It was a lovely afternoon for accomplishing nothing. Maybe one day, I'll go out on one of those boats. I've always wanted to be a Privateer.